
Visual image design restaurants & hotels

Also Known As: Visual image design restaurants and hotels

by  Aihong Li / Yu Wang


This book takes as its theme the need to create a corporate identity; a complete quick glance visual representation that expresses the unique culture of a place by providing a snapshot of who you are and what you do by reducing it down to simple patterns, typeface and images. Creating a brand requires the design of a common thread, a visual language that binds the package for the customer to collect and take-away; within this collection is a diverse range of designs selling food and a home-from-home escape that can be easily identified from matchbooks to napkins and business cards to menus selling lifestyle and a sense of place and belonging in an almost overwhelming marketplace of themes and ideas


Decoration / Design / Interior decoration / Restaurants / Hotels / Logos (Symbols) / Branding (Marketing) / Commercial art


Part of Series Graphic design series ;
Published Shenzhen : Artpower International, [2013]
Language English
Material 241 p.
ISBN 9886824328 / 9789886824320
TCDC Bangkok - General Collection

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